Data analytics platform for USA Insulation owners

An online data hub for USA Insulation franchise owners to share monthly marketing and sales data

Project background.

USA Insulation is a national company specializing in re-insulating homes, especially those built before 1980. The company has over 50 locations nationwide, operated by over 30 owners. In August 2024, franchise owners held their annual corporate summit, discussing operations, sales, and marketing. Ahead of the meeting, owners inputted year-to-date data points for leads, appointments, and sales in a massive Google Sheet for the group to compare and discuss.

The shared Google Sheet was the first time many owners could compare their marketing and sales data to their peers. The spreadsheet provided valuable insights into how owners spent their marketing budgets, the ROI across channels, and variations in where inbound leads come from. Due to its success, owners wanted to establish a monthly routine of sharing and comparing their data.

the usa insulation owners data hub dashboard

Services leveraged.

Systems Analysis

Web Design

My unique approach.

David Potts, the owner of the Northern Indiana, Kalamazoo, SE Michigan, and Toledo franchises, was originally going to have the group continue to use a Google Sheet. However, I knew there was an opportunity to make a scaleable digital platform where owners could upload raw data in a few clicks and analyze theirs alongside other locations.

The foundation for this project was the shared Google Sheet. The platform needed to include the same data table and pie charts to visualize spend, leads, appointments, sales, and revenue across ten marketing channel buckets. The platform also needed to be simple enough for less tech-savvy owners to utilize. Additionally, it had to parse raw CSV reports uploaded from the locations’ CRM; with the Google Sheet, owners had to manually input data from the CRM.

After extensive research and consultation, I built a WordPress-based platform called the “USA Insulation Owners Data Hub,” where owners upload CSVs via a Gravity Form and visualize the data with wpDataTables, DataTables JS, and Charts.js.

What I executed.

Each participating owner has a login to the Data Hub. At the beginning of each month, they download four pre-configured reports as CSVs from their CRM. Then, they upload the CSVs and input their marketing spend for the previous month in a Gravity Form. The entire process takes less than five minutes. After uploading the data, the platform parses the data and stores the information in the WordPress database.

I created a custom post type for all the franchises since each owner can own one or more locations. The 1:M relationship between owners and locations is the foundation for accessing the data visualizations. When an owner accesses the page to see their table and charts, the data dynamically populates for their locations. The tables and charts adjust when viewing other owners’ data based on the locations they own.


The impact of my work.

  • Adoption and utilization by 16 franchise owners.
  • Significant structured datasets to analyze yearly trends.

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